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Invitationsbrev til visumansøgning
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Ansøgning om opholds- og arbejdstilladelse i Danmark
Application for a residence and work permit in Denmark
Schengen-visum til Danmark – Din guide til visum og rejser i Schengen-området
Schengen visa to Denmark – Your guide to visas and travel in the Schengen area
Legalisering og apostille
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Ansøg om visum
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Sådan ansøger du
Garantibrev til visumansøgning
Invitationsbrev til visumansøgning
Gode råd til visumansøgning
Ansøgning om opholds- og arbejdstilladelse i Danmark
Application for a residence and work permit in Denmark
Schengen-visum til Danmark – Din guide til visum og rejser i Schengen-området
Schengen visa to Denmark – Your guide to visas and travel in the Schengen area
Legalisering og apostille
Få en samarbejdsaftale
Application for Work Permit for Denmark
In order for us to process your application, please complete the form below
What are you looking to apply for?
A work permit for Denmark
Certifying my company for the Fast-Track Scheme
Given name(s):
Middle name(s):
Your phone number.:
Your e-mail address:
Your permanent residence address:
Postal Code:
Company name of employer in Denmark:
Date of Birth (dd-mm-yyyy):
Which type of residence/work permit are you looking to apply for?
Pay Limit Scheme
Special Individual Qualifications
Au pair
Working Holiday
Fast-Track Scheme
Ph.D. Employment
Guest Researcher
Name of the company to be certified:
Company’s industry / sector:
Employer’s address:
Employer’s postal xcode:
Employer’s city of residence:
Employer’s CVR/VAT-number:
Given name of Contact Person:
Surname of Contact Person:
Job title/Position of Contact Person:
Contact Person’s phone number:
Contact Person’s e-mail:
Contact Person’s relation to the applicant:
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