Forlæng din arbejdstilladelse i Danmark

Forlængelse af arbejdstilladelse i Danmark

At Visumansøgning, we specialize in the process of assisting companies and employees in the process of obtaining work and residence permits in a quick and secure manner, thanks in part to our strong partnerships with SIRI (the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration) and the Danish Immigration Service. With a streamlined process, we save you time and help prevent unnecessary stress and rejections.
Feel free to give us a call anytime during our office hours for a free screening of your case with one of our experts. They will help evaluate your options, give you an estimate on processing time, as well as an idea of what documentation is necessary.  


How to Apply for a Work Permit in Denmark

To obtain a work permit to Denmark, you must meet a few specific requirements, which are based on your nationality and the nature of your intended employment in Denmark. 
For applicants from outside of the EU and Schengen region, a general mandatory requirement is to have a confirmed job offer that meets the Danish authorities’ standards for salary and employment conditions.
In certain cases, for instance if you are specially qualified for a position, you may be eligible for a work permit through either the “Fast Track Scheme" or the "Special Individual Qualifications” scheme.
On this page, we have compiled information about the various different schemes that exist as well as the steps needed to ensure a successful application for a residence and work permit in Denmark, regardless of whether you are a EU-citizen or non-EU citizen.

Expert in Residence and Work Permits

Julie Vigsø Pedersen
Visa Operations Manager (Image caption)
Julie Vigsø Pedersen is the Visa Operations Manager at Visumansøgning, and is our expert within residence and work permits, as well as Schengen visas. With a strong international background, she has significant experience in the diplomatic work surrounding visa and work permits. Previously, Julie worked as an academic case officer in the Visa Department of the Danish Immigration Service, handling various tasks related to the processing of Schengen visa applications, appeal cases against visa refusals, public access requests under administrative laws, and advising the police at border control posts on what to do. She speaks four languages, can understand more in writing, holds a BA in Language and International Studies from Aalborg University, and an MA in Cross-Cultural Studies from the University of Copenhagen.


Work Permit Schemes

  • Fast Track Scheme
    The Fast Track Scheme allows Danish companies to hire highly qualified foreign employees more seamlessly and bring them to Denmark quicker. It also enables employees to start work while their permit application is being processed, ensuring a faster and more flexible process for both employers and employees. Companies must be certified by Danish authorities in order to qualify for the Fast Track Scheme.
  • Special Individual Qualifications
    Work permits are issued based on special individual qualifications when the offered position requires specialized skills or extensive experience in a particular field. Applicants must meet salary requirements comparable to those of a Danish employee's in a similar role, and they must be able to document their education/experience and justify the need for this specific type of work permit.
  • Pay Limit Schemes
    The pay limit schemes allow foreign workers to obtain a work permit to Denmark if they have a job offer with an annual salary on or above a set threshold. These schemes are aimed at mid- to high-paying positions and do not require specific qualifications or a labour shortage in the field, as long as the salary requirements are met.
  • Positive Lists
    The Positive Lists are comprehensive lists of professions and educational programs in Denmark facing labour shortages or providing good employment opportunities for foreigners – more often than not, they provide both. Applications for a work permit according to the Positive Lists, facilitate a faster and simpler process for foreign workers to come to Denmark, as long as they meet SIRI’s criteria.
  • Au Pair
    Young foreigners who wish to learn more about Danish culture and language may apply for an au pair work permit, provided they have entered an agreement with a Danish host family. Applicants must meet a wide set of specific requirements from SIRI regarding their personal circumstances, such as age, marital status, education, and family background.
  • Working Holiday
    The Working Holiday scheme is a unique bilateral agreement between Denmark and seven other countries: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. It aims to allow young people from these countries to work in Denmark on a limited basis for up to one year, as well as to pursue educational courses and apply for full-time employment while in Denmark.
  • Internships
    Residence and work permits can be granted for internships if the applicant is a student in Denmark or abroad and has educational reasons for completing an internship in Denmark. The requirements vary depending on the field of internship and the applicant's country and course of study.
  • Study
    Students at all levels, from elementary school to PhD and exchange students, can apply for residence and work permits in Denmark. Documentation of language skills, typically in English (and sometimes Danish), is often required. Applicants must provide an admission letter from the educational institution, and the requirements for study permits depend on the applicant’s age and program. Students over 18 may also apply for permission to work alongside their studies.

To apply for a residence and work permit in Denmark, you or your employer (on behalf of yourself) must:

  1. Find a Danish employer offering a position.
  2. Ensure the position meets the salary and work conditions requirements.
  3. Submit a residence and work permit application under the appropriate scheme to SIRI.
  4. Book an appointment for submission of your biometrics at SIRI or a Danish representation abroad.

Call us for a free screening of your case with one of our experts to assess your options, processing time, and necessary documentation.


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Visumansøgning ApS
Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 København Ø

Visumansøgning ApS
Reciliens House
Dandy business park

CVR: 41763043
Tel: +45 86 86 86 06


Telefontid: 8:00 - 16:00
Åbningstider: 8:00 - 16:30
Friday: 8:00 - 16:00


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